Between an almost 2-year old, work and all the other life stuff that comes along, I have basically been lazy & exhausted when it came to blogging. I have been limiting my time on my precious MacBook, which in turn has driven me to obsessively reading, meal planning, baking muffins and sleeping.
Anyway, we're almost done January and this is what I accomplished (so far):
31 days (well, at 29) without fries, cookies and alcohol... have successfully replaced said items with copious amounts of candy & chocolate. Groan.
*Note to self: Avoid candy & chocolate in February.
Um... that's it? I did organize (okay, started to organize) my kitchen pantries & drawers.
We bought a fabulous print for our living room, which means Operation: Redecorate is clearly in full swing. If only we had vast amounts of money to do everything we want and in the oh-so-immediate future.
D has been laid up with a baaad back but is finally on the mend. M has had *touch wood* a relatively healthy month. More on M in a future post.
Okay, so we're caught up? Yes? Good! It's 10:15pm on a Saturday night and I'm crawling into bed.
Nite y'all!