Random musings & rants of a girl who is attempting to do and have it all while raising her little person.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

3 Days

I successfully went 3 consecutive days without spending a dime at work. This is BIG. I made my own tea instead of buying a latte and I brought my lunch & snacks all days.

I didn't feel deprived per se but I noticed it at lunch. I almost always eat lunch at my desk so there is a big difference between popping outside for 15 minutes to grab something and reaching across your desk and pulling a Tupperware towards you. I escaped the office today and wandered Indigo. I fought temptation and resisted buying unnecessary Hallowe'en decorations. M & I will get a little crafty and make some fun decorations for our windows & doors.

My best guess is that I saved myself at least $30. It may not be a huge savings but it's definitely a start! If I can keep this up and try to have at least 3 spend nothing days a week, I'll be pleased. We likely won't notice a huge difference in our account but at least I'll feel less like we spend unnecessarily each week.

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