Random musings & rants of a girl who is attempting to do and have it all while raising her little person.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Rock Bottom

I'm stuck in that awkward place where I'm so uncomfortable in my own body but also so proud of what it can do.

I feel like I've hit body image rock bottom. Yes, once again I am feeling this way. The last few months of emotional eating, lack of exercise & general laziness with all things food have taken their toll. My jeans feel snug, there are rolls in places there shouldn't be, I may have even grown another chin or two... I just feel uncomfortable. I'm *that* girl who is constantly pulling at my clothes -- up, down, stretch, pull -- and nothing is making me feel like I fit. I feel awkward in all situations and I'm at the point where my insecurities are shining through all areas of my life.

So, it's time to make some changes. I realize I sound like a broken record and come out with this sort of stuff every few months. But, it's what gets me through and motivates me.

I'm making a conscious effort to think before I eat. I'm asking myself if I really need it or just want it and pushing myself to think of the greater goal. By no means do I deprive myself but let's face it, nobody needs to empty the candy dish in the office boardroom during a one hour meeting. A little shame can go a long way! I need to do the basics once again and drink more water, eat more fresh fruits/veggies and scale back on snacking. Sounds pretty simple, right? We'll see...

Running that 10km a week or so ago was supposed to kick start my season. I'm an April/May to October/November runner. The winter thing has never been my gig and despite numerous tries over the years, I never stick with it. I got into a great groove last year and was running 30km/week and that's exactly where I want to be this summer. I'll track my runs on a Sunday-Saturday schedule and am pretty pleased that at only Monday, I'm already sitting at 11km for the week. I said in a previous post that I'm giving myself until June to hit the 30km/week mark so if I can get to 20km this week, I'll be content.

I constantly feel like I let my body down. I don't really buy into that whole 'my body is my temple' thing but this is my only body and it's got to see me through many years. I used to always say that I'd never let myself get to a certain weight or size and well, it happened. I happily snacked & drank my way into those pants or that hoodie that hides all.

As I get older, I try to respect my body more and more and do right by it. I genuinely want to to be healthy. It isn't so much about being fit or thin but I want to be & feel healthy. This body has lasted me 34 years and gave me a perfect and healthy baby. It's all I can do, really, is to give it a bit of love & care in return. I am proud of what my body has accomplished and what I know it can do. I am excited and eager to get back to my routines and hoping my body gives back a little of that confidence I'm lacking.

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